Enterprise Europe Network

The Enterprise Europe Network is the European Commission’s official business support serverice which helps small business to make the most of the European marketplace. Working through local business organisations, we can help you:
– Develop your business in new markets
– Source or license new technologies
– Access EU finance and EU funding
A network of 600 PArtner Organisations in more the 50 countries promoting competitivness and inovation in Erurope and beyond.
Our Services
Enterprise Europe Network (EEN) experts can help you develop your ideas and take your innovation into new markets.
We offer a local route to free, tailored support and advice that can help your business innovate and grow internationally, faster. EEN’s many services are there for you to:
find the right partners for research & development and innovation.
We can help you find technology specialist to collaborate with through a database of more than 13,000 technology profiles, representing the latest innovations and ideas.
find new markets for your products.
Our international connections can put you in touch with partners, suppliers, distributors, introducing you to new ways of sourcing or selling technology
access funding and finance.
If you need advice on access to funding and finance for R&D, innovation, investment or exporting, we can guide you along this often- difficult path.
improve your ability to innovate and grow internationally.
For SMEs with big ambitions for innovation and growth, we can provide tailored packages of support on the fast track to success.
EEN also offers support and advice on:
- sourcing or licensing new technologies
- understanding how to protect intellectual assets
- learning how EU regulation and guidance affects you
- Regions: East Riding, Hull
- Telephone 0300 12 33144
- Website View website
Business Support & Offered Services
Enterprise Europe Network offers 2services.