Posted on 8th July 2015
Category: News

Stelios Award for Disabled Entrepreneurs in the UK – 2015 Round Open

Sponsored by Sir Stelios Haji-Ioannou and administered by Leonard Cheshire Disability, the Stelios Award for Disabled Entrepreneurs in the UK identifies and celebrates business ability by recognising an exceptional disabled entrepreneur.

The competition is open to disabled entrepreneurs on the management board, and with ownership, of any business in the UK. Eligible businesses must have an annual turnover above £10,000 and have been trading for between two and five years.

The Award carries a prize of £50,000. This money is to be reinvested in the winners business. The winner can spend this money however they like, for example they could:

  • Buy a piece of new equipment that would enable them to increase production capacity.
  • Fund new staff costs to expand a sales team.
  • Embark upon an international operation.

Two runners-up will receive a prize of £1,000 each. All three finalists will benefit from specialist support courtesy of the Stelios Scholar Reach-out Programme.

The 2015 Awards are now open to applications and Stelios will present the winner of the Award at a ceremony in the winter.

The deadline for entries is 5pm on Friday 18 September 2015.

See More Details