Posted on 30th July 2015
Category: News
Hull City Council Press release:

Pupils from three Hull schools are getting ready to launch a new online game following a year of development work, as part of a Young Enterprise project. 

The students from Gillshill Primary School, Sirius Academy and Malet Lambert originally produced a board game, with support from Engaging Education and the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank. The game, “Hull Enterprise Trail”, shows local organisations that support enterprising young people in the city. 

After presenting the game to Lord Young and HRH The Duke of York in June 2014, it was decided to create a digital version. Once initial designs were created, the John Cracknell Youth Enterprise Bank commissioned young entrepreneur Kit Hargreaves of Apple Pear to develop a web based game, including video, to illustrate the Big 13 Enterprise Skills, the Be Enterprising Group, The Youth Enterprise Summit and Global Entrepreneurship Week. 

The initial prototype design was then launched for consultation in July, when actress and former winner on BBC Dragons Den, Julia Damassa agreed to record a voiceover for the game. She said: “I am delighted to support this great initiative as a way of explaining to the young people in Hull what organisations are out there to support them with their enterprising idea. The videos of young people explaining the Big 13 Enterprise Skills is also a great idea – the whole concept designed with pupils and young entrepreneurs clearly shows to me how enterprising young people are in Hull.” 

The final game will officially launched in September 2015 and will form an integral part of Hull’s Enterprise Passport for young people. 

Councillor Martin Mancey, Portfolio Holder for Energy City, said: 

“The enterprise trail game has been a great collaborative project between pupils, young entrepreneurs and wider business and enterprise educators across the UK and we are delighted to have secured the services of Julia Damassa to undertake the voice over for the game. 

“The idea of turning the board game into a digital version came from HRH The Duke of York and we are now just a few months from launching the game for pupils in all of our schools to have access to it in order they can see the wide range of organisations out there supporting enterprising young people.” 

Kit Hargreaves, MD of Apple Pear, added: “I was delighted to be commissioned to work with young people to develop the digital version of Hull’s Enterprise Trail game and we are now ready with the voiceover completed to launch the game to schools and colleges. Although it is Hull based it is certainly a teaching and information tool that other cities should consider.” 

Hull City Council Press office can be contacted on 01482 300 300.