Posted on 18th September 2015
Category: News

The crowdfunding platform Crowdfunder and JCDecaux, the UK’s leading Outdoor Advertising company, have partnered to help rapidly scale up 100 start-ups across Britain.

Nurture, JCDecaux’s new division, is working with Crowdfunder to find start-up businesses who want to grow, to help them market their brand or product with an exclusive support package – and the chance to win a specially designed advertising campaign for their needs.

For start-up businesses who fund their media budgets on Crowdfunder, Nurture will provide a marketing and design mentoring service and match funding enabling them to potentially double the value of their campaign.

They will also give tech start up businesses, which launch crowdfunding campaigns to fund their media spend by Nov 30th, the opportunity to win their own bespoke outdoor poster campaign. The winning start-up will be the project with the most amount of backers for their crowdfund.

Maria Clarke said: “JCDecaux was founded on entrepreneurialism – it’s in our DNA. Nuture, our new division, is passionate about helping scale start-ups by putting brands in front of potential consumers whilst they are out of home and most alert. This partnership with Crowdfunder is truly pioneering and we believe it will help give hundreds of future-facing start-ups the help they need to become successful brands.”

Rob Love, Crowdfunder Chairman, said: “Crowdfunder has turned thousands of ideas into reality, helping businesses, social enterprises and charities across Britain validate their ideas – and unlock millions – through fund raising, match funding and additional support. Working in this way, with a world leading media company like JCDecaux to help start ups and SMEs, is ground-breaking and we are excited about the potential of what this partnership could achieve for businesses across the UK.”

Get in on the action – register now.
