Posted on 30th September 2015
Category: News

Creative England encourages existing and emerging industry clusters in film, television, games and digital media. In support of these industries, the Creative Cities Growth Fund offers financial assistance to help partners develop initiatives for existing creative clusters and to invest in local creative companies.

Through the scheme, Creative England is looking to identify public and private firms and organisations to work with in order to develop support programmes around specific industry areas and to invest directly into creative businesses in their region.

The Fund totals £1 million, and will be made available via investments of up to £250,000 per application. The maximum amount available is 50% of the total proposed costs.

Creative England funds can only be used to support business growth in the form of loans, equity or revenue share investment directly into the businesses. Creative England hopes that these can be expanded using local funds and developed as part of a targeted support package in a local area.

The Fund aims to improve the environment to grow the creative sector and support landscape across the English regions. Successful applicants will be expected to develop and deliver activity that will:

  • contribute to the emergence of new value chains that bring together in an innovative way companies from different sectors;
  • support the creation of jobs and wealth for the Creative Economy in their area;
  • identify (and deliver) interventions to develop, grow and promote aspiring innovative and entrepreneurial talent and enhance the reputation of the city/region as a place to do business; and
  • build on existing sector strengths and partnerships.

The scheme is open to applications from private and public sector creative sector organisations based in the English regions outside Greater London. Creative England is particularly interested in partnerships with employers and larger businesses invested in growing the supply chain for the creative economy.

The deadline for submitting Expressions of Interest is Friday 9 October 2015.

Click Here for details

From GRANTfinder