Posted on 8th October 2015
Category: Blogs


Find out how the UKTI’s Tradeshow Access Programme (TAP) can help promote your business overseas, and how to apply for financial support.


The Tradeshow Access Programme provides funding in the form of grants for eligible businesses to attend overseas trade shows. The funding helps your business gain:

  • market knowledge
  • experience in attending and getting the most from overseas trade shows
  • advice and support from trade experts

UKTI can offer grants to eligible businesses taking part in the programme. The grants must be matched by the business’s own expenditure on direct exhibiting costs, for example:

  • exhibition space costs
  • stand costs – including design, construction and stand dressing

In some cases grants may also be agreed to match against direct conference costs where the purpose of attending is to promote the business, for example:

  • conference fees
  • cost of preparing conference promotional material

Click here for more details.