Posted on 27th October 2015
Category: News

In September 2015, the China-Britain Business Council released a comprehensive new report on China’s ambitious and complex “One Belt One Road” initiative in partnership with the Foreign & Commonwealth Office. Designed as a practical guide to where the opportunities lie for UK companies, the report contains succinct chapters on the seven key sectors and 13 major regions to help you understand what the implications are in your industry and where your next steps should be. 

HM Ambassador Barbara Woodward said:

“UK business is poised to play an integral part … New markets will open and new supply chains will change the way goods move across the globe.”

Why is the initiative so important for the UK?

The “Silk Road Economic Belt” and “21st Century Maritime Silk Road” together encompass over 60 countries across Asia, Europe, the Middle East and Africa.

There will be exciting new commercial opportunities in the short, medium and long term. CBBC and the FCO believe the potential exists for powerful partnerships between British and Chinese companies not just in China but in countries along the routes.

Download the report here

From the China British Business Council
