Posted on 9th November 2015
Category: News

UK businesses are invited to partner with Indian ones on projects that meet challenges in clean-tech energy, affordable healthcare and ICT.

Innovate UK and the Government of India are to invest up to £3.4 million in collaborative research and development projects that propose commercial solutions to critical challenges affecting socio-economic growth and development of India.

UK and Indian businesses are invited to join forces to apply for a share of the money for projects in the fields of clean-tech energy, affordable healthcare and ICT.

The UK investment has been made possible by the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills-managed Newton Fund, which aims to build research collaborations between UK business and those in lower and middle-income partner countries.

Projects must show commercial potential and must also demonstrate they will have a positive impact on both the economic development and social welfare of India.

Competition information
  • this competition is open and the deadline for registration is noon UK time on 13 April 2016
  • projects must be collaborative and involve a UK and an Indian lead partner
  • lead partners in both countries must be a business but other partners can be businesses or research organisations
  • there is £2.5 million to fund UK participation. We expect total UK project costs to range from £350,000 to £450,000 and for projects to last up to 24 months
  • UK small or micro businesses could attract up to 70% of their costs as grant, medium-sized businesses 60% and large businesses 50%
  • the UK lead partner must submit an application on behalf of all applicants to Innovate UK, and the lead Indian partner must submit an identical application to Global Innovation & Technology Alliance in India
  • potential participants can look for partners through the Meeting Mojo website
  • a briefing webinar for UK applicants will be held on 17 November 2015

Find out more about this Newton UK-India competition and apply.

From:Innovate UK

Part of:Research and developmentUK economic growth