Posted on 10th November 2015
Category: News

The Act contains a number of measures which together represent significant change for companies and Companies House customers.

The Small Business, Enterprise and Employment Act received Royal Assent in March 2015. It’s expected to be implemented to the timescales as set out by the government.

The measures that affect companies aim to:

  • reduce red tape
  • increase the quality of information on the public register
  • enhance transparency

The Act intends to provide a boost to the economy, making it easier for businesses to find the valuable information they need. It should also ensure the UK is seen as a trusted and fair place to do business.

All companies will be affected in some way, as the measures change legal requirements on companies, including what they file with Companies House. This will impact your company’s systems and processes.

The changes with the highest impact will be delivered in the final stage, giving you more time to get your company ready.

View here for full details on how this legislation will affect your business.