Posted on 23rd November 2015
Category: Blogs

Guidance for business and academic organisations on how to get advice and support to test and develop innovative products and services with Innovate UK.

        If you have an idea for an innovative product or service, you can get help from Innovate UK to develop it and make it successful.You can get technical help and access specialist facilities. You can also get expert knowledge from universities and research organisations.Innovate UK provides opportunities to help you network, share ideas and find project partners. You can get support to work with international partners, major businesses and government. This support is available for all UK based companies. You can also get help from some programmes if you are an individual or an organisation.
        Innovate UK provides Help with:
      • Getting expert knowledge from universities and research organisations
        Improve your business by working with an expert at a UK university or research organisation.
      • Accessing specialist networks
        Get information on the latest developments and opportunities through our network organisations. You can also network with others working in your business sector. You can use this network to share knowledge, ideas and opportunities.
      • Getting support from experts for small businesses
        If you’re a start-up, micro, small or medium-sized business that has been awarded funding through an eligible Innovate UK competition, you will be able to gain access to support and connections to help your business grow faster.
      • Working with other businesses and access specialist facilities
        Find technical facilities and expertise at Innovate UK’s 7 Catapult centres. You can use this support to help you adopt, develop and exploit your innovative products and technologies.
      • Getting support for international collaboration
        Access a range of support locally such as help in seeking funding for R&D and Innovation, an extensive database of European and international businesses looking for partnerships and collaboration with UK businesses.
      • Attending networking and collaboration events
        find new project partners, customers, suppliers and investors in other countries. Innovate UK and UKTI run short overseas business trips for ambitious entrepreneurs.
      • Getting advice on working with major partners and government
        Get advice and support on working with major partners through Innovate UK’s IC tomorrow programme. You can also use the IC tomorrow network to make connections and find funding opportunities. It’s open to individuals, organisations and companies working in the digital sector.
      • Getting help to attract investors
        You may be able to showcase your business to potential investors through the GrowthShowcase online portal.
      • Getting help to understand the future market for your innovation
        If you need to know more about the factors influencing your future market, you can use Horizons, a free online tool. Horizons provides a checklist of the environmental and social factors that can change markets.

Click here to find out more about the help and advice that your business can receive from Innovate UK.