Posted on 24th November 2015
Category: News


The Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme helps businesses to innovate and grow. It does this by linking them with a university and a graduate to work on a specific project.

Each KTP is a three-way partnership between a business, an academic institution and a graduate. The academic institution employs the recently-qualified graduate who works at the company. The graduate, known as the ‘associate’, brings new skills and knowledge to the business.

A KTP can last between 6 months and 3 years depending on the project and the needs of the business. It is part-funded by a grant. The amount businesses need to contribute is different for SMEs and larger companies.

Find out if you’re eligible to apply for innovation funding

  • you can apply as a business if you are a company of any size or a not-for-profit organisation
  • you can apply as an academic partner if you are a university, college or research technology organisation
  • you can apply as an associate if you are a high-calibre recent graduate. You must have the knowledge and skills to lead an innovative and strategic business project

KTP for businesses

A KTP is part-funded by a grant. You will need to contribute to the cost of the supervisor and the salary of the associate. The amount you will need to contribute depends on the scale and length of the project. It will also depend on the size of your company.

If you already have a working relationship with a university, you should contact them. Otherwise, you should get in touch with your local KTP adviser. 

See here for full information on Knowledge Transfer Partnership (KTP) scheme