Posted on 11th February 2016
Category: News

Report reveals strength of the North’s digital tech industries

The most comprehensive analysis of the UK’s digital tech industries to date, Tech Nation 2016 underlines the role digital tech businesses are playing in boosting economies across the North of England.

Key findings for the North of England:

– Digital employment: 283,515
– Average salary in digital tech industries (based on 7 tech clusters): £45,108
– Digital Gross Value Added (GVA): £9.9 billion
– Digital density (digital businesses as % of total businesses): 16.6%
– Key sectors based on 7 clusters (compared to UK):

E-commerce & Marketplace, Digital Advertising & Marketing, Fintech, Software & App Development, Hardware, Devices & Open Source Hardware

Hull’s current strengths include App & Software Development, E-Commerce & Data Management & Analytics. The strong digital infrastructure has produced a business growth rate of 24% (2010-2014) and a rise of 14% in GVA (2010-2014). Hull’s ecosystem is supported by local organisations including C4Di

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