Posted on 18th March 2016
Category: News

North Lincolnshire Council on behalf of the Tata Steel Taskforce is launching a £3m support fund for business within the Tata Steel supply chain and other local businesses to help with creating and safeguarding jobs.

Are you part of the steel supply chain, or looking to grow your business?

Then, grant funding is now available to help you with the following:

  • Tailored Business Advice and Support
  • Organisational Development and Training
  • Capital Investment
  • Wage Subsidy for Particular Groups
  • Research and Development.

The funding can be used for capital investments (no land or buildings), training, wage subsidies for disadvantaged workers, research and development.

There will be additional bespoke business support and advice, provided on three intensity levels: low, medium and high.

The level of support for your business will range from advice on how to improve your business through email to visits to your businesses with hands on support. This will depend on individual businesses and how much support they require.

The £3m provided by the Department for Business Innovation and Skills is available over the next two years.

For more information

Please contact the Economic Development Team at North Lincolnshire Council on 01724 297330