Posted on 21st April 2016
Category: News

Enterprise Europe and the EU are inviting SME’s to respond to a short survey: Call for Ideas, open until 29th April 2016.

Europe’s economic performance and job creation depends on the ability to translate the creativity and inventiveness of European citizens and entrepreneurs into world-winning products and services.  At present, Europe lags behind some of our key international competitors in generating the kind of disruptive, market-creating innovations which are needed to secure Europe’s future prosperity.

With this in mind, the European Commission is keen to hear the views of innovators on the scope for improving the support which the European Commission currently offers, especially in the Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. All responses will help shape the Commission’s future proposals for improving support for start-ups and others aiming to bring breakthrough innovations to market. 

click here to complete the short 5(minute) survey