Posted on 3rd May 2016
Category: News

Hello Tomorrow launches global science startup competition

Hello Tomorrow has launched the Hello Tomorrow Challenge 2016, a global science startup
competition dedicated to the transformation of innovations into impactful products and solutions.

Hello Tomorrow is an international, non-profit initiative that promotes early-stage scientific
startups with an aim to solve major industrial and societal challenges. Now in its third edition,
the initiative has grown into a vibrant ecosystem that empowers scientists to transform
innovations into world-changing products.

This year, Hello Tomorrow has partnered with thirteen major private and public entities to define
the scope of this international competition, including our principal partner, BNP Paribas with
L’Atelier BNP Paribas, and The Boston Consulting Group, Bloomberg and La French Tech as
global partners. An international committee of expert entrepreneurs, venture capitalists,
scientists and executives will select winners, who will be provided with equity-free financial
support, mentorship and media exposure. Prior to announcing the grand winner, Hello
Tomorrow will release a worldwide ranking of the Top 100 startups from each of six continents.

“This is an incredibly exciting year for Hello Tomorrow as we step up our international efforts to
identify and provide early-stage science startups the support, connections and visibility they
deserve. The grand finale, held in Paris during Hello Tomorrow’s Global Summit on October 13
and 14, will truly catapult promising startups to the center of the world stage,”
Xavier Duportet,President of Hello Tomorrow, said.

Contestants have until June 17, 2016 to apply for the Challenge and winners will be announced
at the Global Summit, which last year, attracted nearly 3,000 delegates worldwide. The grand
prize winner will be awarded €100,000, and each track finalist will be awarded €15,000. There
are a total of ten tracks:
Air Quality
Beauty & Wellbeing
Food & Agriculture
Industry 4.0
Transportation & Mobility
Water & Waste

To date, more than €60 million has been raised by Hello Tomorrow’s semi-finalists. Startups
have received mentorship and practical guidance from over 150 entrepreneurs, investors,
industry participants and partners as well as access to international markets.

View here for more details.