Posted on 27th May 2016
Category: News

A new publication highlights how businesses across the UK are being transformed by innovation and by government support for their ideas.

Successful technology businesses feature in a new Innovate UK publication celebrating the impact of innovation.

The booklet highlights 50 successful companies that have been helped by Innovate UK.

innovation with impact pic Download the InnovateUK Innovation With Impact booklet.

It gives examples of how a business can be changed dramatically through innovation and how government support has helped to get ideas off the ground and closer to market.

Innovate UK has invested around £1.8 billion in innovation since it was formed in 2007. That investment has been more than matched by the private sector and has returned up to £13.1 billion to the economy.

Innovate UK has supported innovation in 7,600 organisations, creating around 55,000 new jobs – more than 7 for each company supported.

Find out more about how Innovate UK can support your business