Posted on 14th June 2016
Category: News

Projects and programmes invested in by the Humber LEP and delivered by partners are on track to add £1.42bn to the Humber economy by the end of 2019/20 – a return of £5 GVA benefit for every £1 invested.

As part of this 12,050 gross FTE jobs will be created, 600 safeguarded and 62,228 properties will have reduced flood risk.

An impact assessment which forms part of the LEP’s Annual Review 2015/16 – launched on Friday 10 June – shows investments to date have supported the creation of 3,500 gross FTE jobs, safeguarded 225 jobs and added £201m GVA to the economy.

The investments are supporting the LEP’s strategic aims to develop a skilled and productive workforce, create an infrastructure that supports growth and support thriving successful businesses.

The LEP is a voluntary partnership, and all of its work is delivered in partnership with businesses, councils and education providers. In total over 350 people are now giving up their time for free to contribute to different aspects of the LEP’s work.

To date to the end of the year 2015/16 work led by the LEP’s Employment & Skills Board, with skills activities being supported by 10 working groups, including 28 individuals on our Recruiters’ Forum, and an impressive 280 members in our skills network has supported more than 13,200 learners, which include 5202 in STEM related subjects via City Deal, 1,323 apprenticeships and more than 6,000 through the LEP-commissioned Skills Support for the Workforce, run by HCUK, the most successful UK project.

Work led by the LEP’s Investment & Regulation Board has seen the creation of a 25-year spatial plan which brings into a single framework land allocated for growth. Linked to this the Single Conversation Group, a successful national pilot bringing together statutory agencies, local planning authorities and the Humber LEP, continues to ensure a coordinated support for developing around the Humber Estuary. In 2015/16 the group ensured the process linked to the replacement of the 4.5mile pipeline supplying crude oil to Phillips66’s Humber refinery – a massive investment in the local area – went smoothly.

In 2015/16 the LEP also secured the doubling of the Humber Enterprise Zone (EZ) which now comprises 40 sites (1,200 hectares) with incentives around the Estuary. The LEP has collaborated with local authorities and land owners to invest in infrastructure to unlock the sites, including a new roundabout improving access to Humberside Airport and walking/cycling access to major employment sites in Goole.

Other key infrastructure investments include:

• Flood defence works at Albert Dock were completed safeguarding 300 homes and businesses and 3,000 jobs, while other flood risk projects supported by £46.7m investment through the LEP to safeguard more 62,000 homes are under way.

• In North Lincolnshire £13m has been committed to the Lincolnshire Lakes Flood Risk Strategy that will support a 6,000-home development. While £10m is supporting Hull’s housing regeneration programme delivering 1,500 new and 4,500 refurbished homes.

• Town centre regeneration works are happening in Grimsby including road access and public realm improvements to unlock further investment in office space and a hotel in Cartergate.

• Works to improve the city centre ahead of Hull’s year as City of Culture 2017 have begun at Hull Indoor Market and around Holy Trinity Church as well as improving city centre access from the west – widening Anlaby Road at Hull Royal Infirmary and strengthening Park Street Bridge, which will support traffic flow during works on the A63.

The LEP’s Business Development Board has been working with membership organisations to understand the needs of businesses large and small and bring together the Humber business voice on key issues.

The LEP’s Business Growth Hub, Growing the Humber grant programme and Business Loan Fund have engaged with more than 2,205 businesses, directly supported 1,400 businesses, investing £31.5m which will create 4,732 jobs, leveraging £121.8m private sector investment by 2021.

Northern Powerhouse Minister James Wharton said:

“This report shows the impact the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership has had, with over £113 million Growth Deal funding boosting the local economy, landing lucrative private sector investment and delivering thousands of jobs for local people.

“This is testament to the ambition of the area and I am sure this willingness and drive to work together will continue to deliver for the people of the Humber and the rest of the Northern Powerhouse.”

Lord Haskins, Chair of the Humber LEP, said:
“Over 350 people now give up their time for free to contribute to some aspect of the LEP’s work and they deserve all of our thanks for giving back to our community.

“We are now starting to see the results of the investments made via the City Deal and Growth Deal and delivered by our Humber partners that will generate a lasting economic impact.

“Despite this, there is still much to do to help the Humber reach its potential – and uncertainties remain in the national and regional economic environments. Now we need to go forward together in setting out a confident role for the Humber in the Northern Powerhouse and making the most of the opportunities ahead.”