Posted on 14th July 2016
Category: News

The Cutting Red Tape review of Local Authorities is a government review led by the Cabinet Office, DCLG and BIS, working together with other government departments and regulators. 

The Cutting Red Tape Review of Local Authority Regulation and Enforcement aims to identify and remove unnecessary regulatory barriers to growth and associated costs placed on Local Authorities and businesses.

The review wants to identify and remove unnecessary regulatory barriers to growth and associated costs placed on businesses by local authorities, while ensuring necessary protections are maintained, and also gather evidence of where regulation imposes unnecessary or avoidable burdens and costs on local government.

The review will take into account burdens imposed by planning and building control, construction regulations, food safety, standards and hygiene, environmental protection and health and safety amongst others. Now that the government is reviewing more broadly the implementation and enforcement of regulation by local authorities, it will build on the existing review of Trading Standards going beyond that current review and present all findings and the government response to the findings on Trading Standards alongside the rest of this review.

To build on the qualitative evidence that has already been gathered, Department for Business, Innovation and Skills are now launching a survey to businesses to gather quantitative data on the costs and resources required to carry out regulatory activity.

Taking part in this survey is entirely voluntary, If you are able to participate, we have included a link to a survey monkey questionnaire:

Responses need to be complete by the 5th August 2016.   

If you have any questions or would like to discuss this with someone in more detail, please contact the Department for Business Innovation and Skills at the following email address: