Posted on 26th August 2016
Category: News

Businesses could win more than £100,000 to develop a new system to help staff maintain coded records of what happens to hospital patients.

Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board is seeking businesses with innovative ideas on how to help staff record what happens to patients in hospital and meet government targets.

Administration staff are required to assign clinical codes to patient conditions and the treatments they receive in order to support the reporting of what happens in hospitals.

It is a significant manual burden on hospital staff and usually involves having to decipher handwritten records of treatments. The requirement for coding is likely to increase and, at the same time, recording will change from a mainly paper format to an electronic format.

Businesses are being asked to bid for SBRI (Small Business Research Initiative) development contracts of up to £10,000 to examine initial ideas for improving the system.

The best projects could win up to £100,000 to develop those ideas further in a second phase of the competition.

The health board wants to reduce the manual effort involved in coding, ensure staff reach or exceed the Welsh Government’s requirement to complete 98% of coding, and automate some of the processes.

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