Posted on 12th September 2016
Category: News

Innovate UK have opened a new £15 million funding competition for innovation projects. There is £5 million available for projects lasting up to 1 year, £5 million for projects lasting up to 2 years and £5 million for projects up to 3 years. Project may focus on technical feasibility, industrial research or experimental development.

The aim of this competition is to stimulate innovation in Health and Life Sciences (H&LS). Projects must cover at least one of the following Innovate UK priority areas:

  • increase yield, quality and sustainability in agriculture and food production
  • improve precision medicine, advanced therapies, preclinical technologies
  • advance biosciences in healthcare and agriculture and food production

Proposals should indicate how projects will enable a step change in competitiveness and productivity for at least one UK SME involved in the project.

To lead a project, you must:

  • be a UK-based business
  • be a business of any size
  • involve at least one SME
  • carry out your project in the UK
  • propose an innovation project that lasts between 6 months and 3 years

If project costs are less than £100,000, an SME can work on the project alone or with partners.

If project costs are £100,000 or more, the project must include at least 2 grant-claiming partners working together.

View here for full details.