Posted on 21st October 2016
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Small and medium enterprises in the Humber stand to benefit from a united business support community aiming to help entrepreneurs to grow and prosper.

This was the message from the Enterprise Support Summit, an event held in Hull on 11th October which saw the launch of an Enterprise Alliance of leading public and private sector business support organisations coming together to promote entrepreneurial spirit in the Humber.

The event was organised through the Humber LEP’s Growth Hub and brought together businesses and business support providers with the aim of formalising the joint working between enterprise and business support agencies.

Around 250 businesses attended the Summit where they could network, hear from successful entrepreneurs, find out more about what help is available to them and access support on a range of business related issues. Exhibitors such as ENRG and HMRC ran a series of short workshops on specific issues that small and start-up businesses face every day.

There were 26 different business support exhibitors to speak to clients and give them personal, one-to-one advice and support. Presentation themes reflected business strengths in creative and cultural sectors, the strong culture of entrepreneurship in the region and the opportunities for business growth.

Dr Paul Sewell OBE, Managing Director of Sewell Group and Chair of the Humber LEP’s Business Development Board opened the summit. He said:

“For businesses to succeed there needs to be a culture of support between businesses and business support advisors. If this community is strong and inclusive, it will boost business success across the whole region”.

The Growth Hub’s Enterprise Support Summit was a fantastic opportunity for local businesses to network with each other and the wider business support community. It was a great first step in fostering this culture of support. The event was well attended throughout the day – a great success!”

The Enterprise Support Summit was the first in a series of business support events planned for the next year.