Posted on 7th December 2016
Category: News

North East Lincolnshire Council and their partners ENGIE have introduced a new transport scheme, to help Businesses and other organisations lower their costs and reduce their impact on the environment by easing congestion.

The travel planning service is fully funded by North East Lincolnshire Council and is available to any business, voluntary or community organisation within North East Lincolnshire.

Any business that develops a Business Travel Plan is eligible to apply for a Sustainable Travel Grant of up to £5,000 to implement their travel plan. Funding is available until February 2017.

Travel planners will work with employers to make it easier for staff and other people to travel to and from their premises. This will help businesses in more remote areas with poor transport links.

The planners will create a free bespoke package of measures that help employers reduce the impact of travel and transport on the local environment, ease congestion and improve road safety.

The Sustainable Travel Grants can be used to contribute towards a wide range of improvements to support sustainable transport methods including installation of cycle racks and secure cycle shelters, electric car charging ports, public transport taster tickets and IT systems to support home working.

It is envisaged that the scheme will help lower travel cost and reduce the commute time to work. Businesses in outlying areas will see benefits in employer retention and recruitment, removing barriers for people getting to these remote locations. Another beneficiary may be young apprentices how are currently unable to reach theses remote locations as they do not have their own transport.

The scheme will also help the environmental credentials of the participating organisations, and lead to improvements to the regions environment with a reduction in carbon emissions and pollutants.

If you are interested in developing a travel plan for your business, you can speak to a member of the team by calling 01472 324930 or email