Posted on 6th January 2017
Category: News

The Growth Hub has commissioned an economic review of the Humber Sub-region for 2016.

The report reflects the  business focused and economic-driven agenda of the LEP.

These comprise:

  •  Key performance benchmarks for the Humber versus the UK;
  •  Summary of the economic and political context policy environment;
  •  The Economic and Business Base;
  •  Population, Skills and Settlements;
  •  Resources and Infrastructure

The report has been produced during a period of political and economic uncertainty at the global and national level, following the UK referendum on EU membership, the appointment of a new Prime Minister and Cabinet plus a leadership contest within the main opposition party just concluded. There is also ongoing re-balancing of some major global economies, such as China and the US, which set the back drop for our analysis of the sub-regional economy.

We hope that this document informs and provokes debate at all levels, whether that be local, sub-regional or wider, and where the economy of the Humber is an issue for consideration.

Download the report here Progress in the Humber Report 2016 (PDF file)