Posted on 27th March 2017
Category: News

Looking to fill skills shortages, diversify your workforce and boost productivity? A new official guide for employers has been launched by the Government in partnership with Business In The Community (BITC) to help you do just that – by focusing on increasing inclusion in your workplace.

“Strengthening your workforce with talent from disadvantaged groups” is a step-by-step guide to help you review your recruitment practices and broaden your talent streams, to include candidates that are long-term unemployed, homeless, single parents or military veterans.

Evidence suggests these candidates bring fresh ideas and solutions to problems, go the extra mile to secure results and stay with their employer for longer.
Led by business greats Sir Richard Branson, Deborah Meaden and Simon Cowell, the #SeePotential campaign is now backed by over 100 businesses and is endorsed by LEPs.

Sir Richard Branson – Entrepreneur 
“I Believe in giving everyone a chance in life recruitment should be more about talent not Background”

Deborah Meaden – Entrepreneur
“People from disadvantaged groups are a prudent investment.The’re hardworking and passionate about business”

Paul Drechsler CBE – President CBI
“Recognising talent in candidates that have previously been overlooked is crucial in keeping Britain’s economy competitive”

See Potential Down load the see-potential-employer-guidance

If you want more information on the See Potential campaign then visit the web site
