Posted on 3rd April 2017
Category: News

Four projects across the Humber region have been awarded Money from the Coastal Communities Fund. The fund encourage economic growth and jobs in coastal towns and communities. 

All of the projects awarded funding in this latest round were submitted or supported by Coastal Community Teams. Set up by the government in 2015, each team receives £10,000 towards the development of a blueprint for economic growth.

There are now 146 teams – made up of volunteers, councils and local businesses – up and down the country. They are tasked with producing economic plans to create jobs along the shore.

The four projects are:

East Riding of Yorkshire Council – Coastal Community Team

£3.77 Million grant towards £4.6million project to reanimate the seafront at Hornsea by delivering a portfolio of projects along South Promenade, including public realm improvements, expansion of the leisure boat compound and establishment of am all year round cafe, retail space and visitor hub.

The Fruit Market LLP, Hull

£700,110 grant towards a £1.5 million project to refurbish warehouse and establish a creative arts hub in Hull’s Fruit Market. The hub will include an art gallery, artists studios, learning workshops and performance space cafe. Projects supported by the local Coastal Community Team.

North East Lincolnshire Council – Coastal Community Team

£3.8 million grant towards a £4.8 million scheme to enhance Cleethorpes role as a quality place to work, stay and play. It involves a portfolio to deliver new facilities and enhance public space in five key areas of the resort to extend the traditional tourist season and diversify its appeal.

Yorkshire Wildlife Trust

£1.1 million contribution to a £1.95 million scheme to create new jobs through nature tourism. This will involve a range of projects including a new visitor centre at Spurn Point, creating nature habitat near Kilnsea Wetlands, public access improvements at Hornsea and improved access, catering facilities at Flamborough Head. Project supported by the local Coastal Community Team.