Posted on 8th May 2017
Category: News

The Humber LEP Growth Hub has organised two events to run during Humber Business Week 2017.

‘Growth Hub Live’ will conveniently bring together a wide range of key organisations which can help support your business to expand and grow. In an exciting new format for Business Week, support organisations will freely donate their time to bring you a series of thought provoking speaker sessions and workshops addressing many of the issues facing modern day business. Running alongside the sessions will be a business support expo which will allow you to freely investigate the range of support on offer by visiting the wide variety of support stands. Structured with flexibility in mind visitors will be able to stay for the whole event or simply drop in for specific parts of the programme.

The following topics will be covered during the two days:

  • Protecting your business from cybercrime
  • Understanding how innovation can help your business
  • Protecting and maximising your intellectual property
  • Marketing techniques for Growth
  • Increasing sales through Exporting
  • Improving your manufacturing performance
  • Funding your business growth
  • Training your workforce for growth
  • Developing your workforce through apprenticeships
  • Legal support for growth
  • Business planning for growth
  • Getting your business ready for investment
  • Practical techniques for effectively using data
  • Developing the right culture to support growth

The events will take place as follows:

Tuesday 6th June, 9am – 3pm – University of Hull.

Thursday 8th June, 9am – 3pm – Forest Pines Hotel, North Lincolnshire.

Full details of the event programmes ane exhibitors here — or for more information call 01482 485255 

These events are supported by the European Structural and Investment Funds (ESIF) Technical Assistance Partner-ship.

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