Posted on 9th May 2017
Category: News

Week beginning 15 May is the national awareness week for Business Continuity, where all organisations are encouraged to think about how they could continue to deliver their most important services if there was a disruption like a prolonged power cut or an ICT disruption.

Do you have business continuity arrangements in place?
Have you tested it recently?
Does everyone know what to do?

During this week, why not discuss with your team what you would do if:

  • Half of your team didn’t report to work? What critical information and access to services would you lose?
  • You couldn’t get into your office?
  • The key ICT system you rely on is down for a week?
  • One of your key suppliers went out of business?
  • You needed to get in touch with your team members outside of office hours?

There are lots of free business continuity resources for you to use at:


If you would like to discuss business continuity please call Humber Emergency Planning  Service on 01482 393050.

Download these two (PDF) guides to help with your planning.

Why Business Continuity

Ideas for Increasing Resilience