Posted on 25th May 2017
Category: News

St Hugh’s School is an outstanding special school for students between the ages of 11 and 19 years, who have a range of learning difficulties, including moderate and severe learning difficulties, autism spectrum disorders, profound and complex needs, in North Lincolnshire.

Principal Tracy Millard, has welcomed the support from The Careers and Enterprise Company, and wants to develop the support on offer with their new Enterprise Adviser partnered with the school.

Natalie Anfield, Make a Difference Associates, has a wealth of knowledge and experience from all across the UK in creating businesses plans and supporting strategies.

Natalie requested to be matched to a school through CIPD (The Chartered Institute of Professional Development) who promote the work of the Careers and Enterprise Company by recruiting Enterprise Advisers, and ensuring that these EA’s are best matched to their local area through the Enterprise Coordinators.

Jennifer Vincent, Enterprise Coordinator, Northern Lincolnshire said:

“I am really excited about the partnership of St Hugh’s and Make a Difference Associates. I met with Tracy Millard and Natalie Anfield at St Hugh’s and was given a tour of the beautiful school. The colours around the school, and the young people enjoying their work really highlighted the great work being done to ensure the young people are given every opportunity to succeed in life.

“All young people are offered a work experience placement based on their own personal needs and preferences, and conversations are already taking place with Tracy and Natalie to further enhance the excellent work taking place.”

Find out more about the Careers and Enterprise Company at