Posted on 2nd August 2017
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Exporting for Growth is aimed at companies wanting to develop their international business or get started with international trade. In addition to the funding, companies will receive impartial and tailored advice from one of our International Trade Advisers who will be happy to assist you throughout the process and project.

Eligible businesses can apply for grants of up to £5,000 as part of the Exporting for Growth programme which is match funded and can be used for various projects.

What can the funding be used for?

• Flights and accommodation to agreed target markets

• Overseas trade events entry and exhibition costs

• Design and production of international marketing material

• Internationalisation of website including translations

• International market research and consultancy services

In order to receive the funding the businesses must meet certain criteria.

Is your business eligible?

• The company must be located in the

Sheffield City Region, Leeds City Region or Humber LEP

• Be a small or medium sized enterprise (SME)

• No more than 25% of the business is owned by an enterprise which is not a SME

• Annual turnover does not exceed €50 million or annual balance sheet does not  exceed €43 million

• Must create at least of one full time job role

The Department for International Trade in Yorkshire and the Humber is delivering the contract for the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), which provides £6.7 million of funding for first time, but also experienced exporters as part of the Exporting for Growth programme.

To find out more about the Exporting for Growth programme please get in touch:

T: +44 (0) 300 365 1000 E:

Exporting is great