Posted on 8th September 2017
Category: News

United Utilities has launched its new Innovation Lab and is looking for businesses to work with on key business challenges. This 10-week programme represents a unique opportunity to deliver innovative solutions in the water sector and impact more than 7 million customers. Successful applicants will have access to investment, mentorship and the opportunity to test and trial products with United Utilities.

United Utilities Innovation Lab is breaking new ground in the water sector by creating a window for innovative businesses to partner with one of the biggest water companies in the UK. We want to tackle our key business challenges so we can provide better, more cost effective services for our 7 million customers. That means building relationships with businesses who share our vision, ambition and appetite for innovation – with the potential to lead to longer term commercial partnerships.

The 10-week programme will be run in collaboration with corporate innovation specialist L Marks. Successful candidates will be co-located and mentored by senior United Utilities business leaders and get access to test, improve and demonstrate their product/service in live customer environments to key experts and decision makers.

The programme will involve companies developing products and solutions to address United Utilities key business challenges, these are

  • Predicted Asset Management
  • Connected Water and Customer
  • Proactive Customer Actions
  • Safe and healthy worker
  • Future of Water.

United Utilities and L Marks will also provide potential investment opportunities, if the 10-week programme is a success.

Vist their web site for full details

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