Posted on 14th November 2017
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The Skills Support for the Workforce and Skills Support for Redundancy programmes are designed to deliver responsive workplace learning courses across the Humber region to meet individual, employer and regional economic needs.

By up-skilling the workforce, the Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW) and Skills Support for Redundancy (SSR) programmes aim to reduce the risk of long-term unemployment and enhance employee skills and career prospects.

Skills Support for the Workforce (SSW)

The SSW programme provides fully funding workplace training to SME’s to meet individual, employer and regional economic needs. The training includes bespoke and vocationally relevant qualifications that are responsive to the needs identified. All training is delivered in the workplace or at nearby convenient locations.

The SSW programmes were specified by Local Enterprise Partnerships (LEP) to meet the skills gaps within local businesses with a focus on the LEPs priority sectors.

The programme is being delivered by HCUK Training (part of the Hull College Group) and a network of specialist training providers to engage with learners and key employment sectors as identified by the Local Enterprise Partnership.

The key sectors include:

  • Creative and digital
  • Chemicals
  • Visitor Economy
  • Engineering and Manufacturing
  • Food Manufacturing

Skills Support for Redundancy (SSR)

The SSR programme provides support for people who are under notice of redundancy with their employer.
You are entitled to individualised and bespoke training and employment support opportunities if you meet the criteria below;

  • You are aged 19 or over and have been identified by your employer as at risk of redundancy and/or commenced formal consultation with your employer.

Early identification of your career objectives and training requirements is a key component to the success of the SSR intervention, which features assessment and guidance at the start of your programme, and work with your current or prospective employers to identify the type and level of training appropriate to support you. Wherever possible, any support and training activity should be successfully completed before employees at risk of redundancy leave employment.
This support is available to help you to refresh your skills or identify transferable skills to help you to compete in today’s job market.

How can tailored training and development improve your organisation?

Investing in the skills of your people is always good for business. For employers across our region striving to improve their productivity while facing multiple skills shortages, it is essential.

Experts will complete a full training needs analysis to identify skills gaps in your workforce. They will also signpost opportunities for development which could make all the difference to your business’s ability to thrive in a highly competitive and rapidly changing environment.

Upskilling your staff not only increases productivity and boosts efficiency; it also motivates and makes people feel valued, which research shows improves staff retention. Investing in tailored training and development will also widen your appeal as an employer as you will be able to offer clear career and progression pathways to potential employees.

The SSW programme can help you to nurture new talent and ensure your business can draw on the right mix of skills. And, because our training can be delivered flexibly, whether at your workplace, from home or at one of our centres, it can fit around the working day minimising the impact of time out for training on your business.

The SSW/SSR programme is fully funded by the European Social Fund (ESF) and co-financed by the Skills Funding Agency (SFA) but employees must have been granted the time to participate and complete their agreed programme of learning.

For more details about the programme and how to apply, visit the Skills support Website.

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