Posted on 14th December 2017
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The deadline for filing your tax return is 31 January 2018 – file early to avoid the rush.

Do you Want to complete your 2016-17 tax return and don’t know where to start? Let HMRC help with a range of digital products to make it easier for you.

You can choose from a selection of live or recorded webinars, online guides and short YouTube videos to support you in completing the return.

Live webinars – no special equipment is needed, simply select the links provided and connect using your desktop computer or any smart device. You can submit questions using the text box.

Self Assessment help and support live sessions: You can listen to live Q&A and get answers to your questions, from business expenses to paying tax and National Insurance.Book here

Self Employment help and support sessions: This webinar is aimed at sole traders and self-employed partnerships, with help on a range of topics including allowable and simplified expenses, your tax return and budgeting for your tax bill.Book here

How to complete your online tax return: Get the help you need completing your Self Assessment tax return. Book here

Business Expenses for the self-employed: Do you know which business expenses are allowable? Find out about typical allowable expenses, including working from home and motoring expenses. Book Here

Car expenses for the self-employed: Find out what a business journey is, how to claim motoring expenses using the actual costs or flat rate method, when to claim capital allowances and how to deal with lease charges. Book here

Record keeping for the self-employed: How to keep records, set up a records system and how long to keep records. Book here

Self-employed – your payments to HMRC: This webinar covers your income tax bill, the different types of National Insurance you may have to pay and what happens when you’re employed and self-employed at the same time. We’ll also tell you about budgeting for your first bill and how to pay HMRC. Book here

Can’t make these dates? Don’t worry – the links will be updated and new dates will be added throughout January.

Why not take a look at the e-learning packages available, including topics such as ‘Business expenses for the self-employed’ which are designed specifically for businesses – these can be used at a time that suits you.

There’s also a selection of short YouTube videos, covering topics such as:

There is a YouTube channel which has a range of videos to support you with your Self-Assessment. You can view them, and other films, here.

Details of all these products can be found on the GOV.UK website. 

By Alison Walsh
Head of Digital Support for Business and Agents at HMRC

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