Posted on 26th January 2018
Category: News

Hull City Council has developed an Enterprise Research Panel to collect the views of local organisations a few times a year. Each survey will only take around 10 minute to complete. Please take a moment to give us your views.

Access your Enterprise Panel survey here

In the latest survey we ask your views on:

  • A Digital Strategy for Hull
  • How improved connectivity might help your business
  • Whether you would upgrade, or get connected if financial help was available
  • Earning while Learning  – The death of the Saturday job
  • Register for the  ICT voucher scheme – help to upgrade your IT (at the end of the survey)
  • What next for Hull? Register for an exclusive regeneration tour (at the end of the survey)

All of your responses will be confidential and results will be reported anonymously. If you provide your contact details at the end, these will only be used to send future Enterprise Panel surveys to you. We do not attach your results to your contact information.

The Enterprise Panel will also be a key component in making sure we get input from local organisations on future regeneration projects.

Find out more about the Enterprise Panel, including member benefits 

The People’s Panel 

Members can also take advantage of data collection,  marketing and sponsorship opportunities with the People’s Panel – over 3000 local people and 500 local organisations who are regularly surveyed for their views and who receive a regular newsletter.

Access the latest People’s Panel survey here

To have your story, event or offer included, email Content will be included on a first come, first served basis 

Find out more about the People’s Panel or email for more information