Posted on 9th April 2018
Category: News

Hull City Council is looking for high quality Community Led Local Development (CLLD) projects that support unemployed and economically inactive participants and enterprise development in 4 Hub Areas of Hull.

The Hull CLLD programme has received £4.79million of European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and European Social Fund (ESF) funding through the Humber ESIF Programme.

Hull City Council initially developed a CLLD Strategy using funding from the ESIF programme.  This stage of the programme is focused on seeking projects that will directly support the delivery of the strategy, utilising both ESF and ERDF funding.

The 4 Hub Areas of Hull are:

West and Central
East Hull
Orchard Park and North Hull

The first competitive Hull CLLD grant round opened on 22nd March 2018. The deadline for applications is 4pm on Wednesday 2nd May 2018.

The aim of Community Led Local Development is to use bottom-up, local community driven approaches to address issues in areas of deprivation.

The European Regional Development Fund’s focus is on addressing concentrations of deprivation and disparities in economic performance at lower geographic levels, through the promotion of entrepreneurship and Small and Medium Enterprises (including social enterprise) development and capacity building within communities as a foundation for economic growth in deprived areas.

The focus of the European Social Fund is on targeting activity on specific areas facing deprivation in pursuit of coherent, social, economic and sustainable growth; and adds value to mainstream European Social Fund activity being delivered locally.

Isobel Mills, Chair of the Humber ESIF Sub-committee said:

“After supporting the production of this strategy through the ESIF Programme, it is pleasing to see the first round of CLLD grants being made available in Hull to deliver on the aims and objectives of this Strategy.

“Addressing issues in areas of deprivation across our region through community led programmes like these are vital for the Humber’s economic growth. I am confident that a range of projects will be brought forward that will have a positive impact in these localities.”

For more information, including and application form and guidance documents, please visit:

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