Posted on 3rd May 2018
Category: News

We are proud to once again support such a fantastic week of opportunity for the Humber, and I am sure that this year’s Business Week will be another great success.

Business Week brings to life the leadership, inspiration and collaboration which have helped businesses to significantly improve our region’s economic performance over the last few years.

We are now a more productive and prosperous place, but we still have much further to go.

It is these values which we will need if we are to rise to the opportunities and risks which lie ahead. Business Week is a demonstration of what the Humber’s business community can achieve together, and why we have good reason to be ambitious for the future.

This year the LEP is developing a plan to continue the momentum that our region now has – a new business-led Industrial Strategy for the Humber. We hope to begin discussions with Government on this later in the year.

We have already had an excellent response from our initial conversations with businesspeople around the region, with many creative ideas coming forward. We will be stepping up these conversations during Business Week, including at our events on the Thursday. I hope you will take part.

This year’s programme of events is as strong as ever, and would be the envy of many other regions.

I hope you will make the most of the week, and encourage others in your organisation to do the same.

Lord Haskins
Chair, Humber Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP)