Posted on 5th July 2018
Category: News

Sporting Capital is the first social investment fund in England that focuses specifically on Organisations and projects that help to develop communities through sport and physical activity.

What can be funded

The £3m Sporting Capital Fund provides loan funding of between £50,000 and £150,000 to eligible organisations. The loan funding will be used  to help organisations develop  new projects, operations and revenue streams. The goal is to help develop more sustainable community sports  organisations. Whilst every organisation’s needs will differ, we expect the funding to be used for projects and activities such as:

  • Equipment to support revenue streams
  • Recruitment, training and deployment of staff and volunteers
  • Equipment to support  business functions, Including finance, project management and governance
  • Other operating costs

Each investment will be tailored to the organisation.  Loans will be repayable over 3 to 5 years and a repayment holiday of up to 24 months will be available, giving projects  time to generate sustainable revenue before starting to repay the loan.

Who can be funded

Sporting Capital can invest in a wide range of organisations and projects across England. And if you need support to get ready to take on repayable investment, you may be eligible for grant funding to pay for this. Their website has details of specific eligibility criteria and availability of grant funding.

Sporting Capital has been formed through a pioneering partnership between Sporting Assets and the Access  Foundation, and is funded through the Big Lottery Fund and Big Society Capital. Sporting Assets is a leading  sports and social investment  advisor with the mission to grow a resilient and impactful community sports sector. Sporting Assets supports organisations to deliver sustainable community businesses with a focus on sport by helping them to take ownership of facilities, develop new ones or create or diversify revenue streams.

Find out more

The Sporting Capital Fund is live and actively looking for investments. To find out more contact us: Email:

Telephone:  0203 637 8232


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