Posted on 20th August 2018
Category: News

Healing School, a Science Academy in North East Lincolnshire, contacted Careers and Enterprise, Humber LEP for assistance with a work placement for one of their students. This irregular placement would mean the student working in Oxfordshire for a week. This exciting opportunity was not one to be missed.

Charlotte from Healing Academy took the initiative to contact HAAS formula one for a work experience opportunity. As a successful formula one team HAAS agreed to take charlotte on for the week.

Whilst most students secure work experience with local companies in the area, Charlotte managed to get on to this placement by using her initiative to contact  the company herself as well as having  the support from her family who were willing to travel to Oxfordshire with her and stay with in a hotel whilst she was on her placement.  Careers and Enterprise Humber LEP were able to contact our fellow LEP in Oxfordshire and organise a Risk Assessment and Health and Safety check.

Charlotte was able to work with the HAAS team, learning all about the mechanics, the physics and the team work, even meeting Romain Grosgean.

Charlotte’s mother, Claire, said:

‘”It was a very unique opportunity for her in which she thoroughly enjoyed and learnt a lot from and the support of both the LEPs and the school is much appreciated.”

Jennifer Vincent, Careers and Enterprise Company said:

“I am so pleased we were able to support Charlotte into a STEM based opportunity that she will never forget. The Humber LEP and Careers and Enterprise understand the need to get more females into engineering industries, and I am glad she has thoroughly enjoyed it. We wish Charlotte all the best for the future, and hope she keeps her keen interest in the sciences.”

Healing School is one of many schools in the Humber with a great history of valuable work experience for all students in year 10. If you are a company who would like to know more about taking on a young person for work experience, an intern, or find out more about apprenticeships, please contact the Humber Skills Pledge, who will be able to advise you of the best opportunities to meet the needs of your company, and the next generation in our area.

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