Posted on 11th February 2019
Category: News

Calderdale College deliver Skills Support for the Workforce in the East Riding of Yorkshire. They have 2 new projects for East Riding Businesses:

Step Up to Leadership

Skills support for the workforce is keen to support local companies to develop their female executives into management roles to achieve better gender balance within the workplace and wider business society.
Through this fully-funded programme, facilitated by leading development coach, Anj Handa, we will develop and support three of your aspiring female leaders. She will equip them with the skills and confidence to be able to engage and connect, motivate and inspire the people around them.
This intensive, nine-hour programme is ideal for those stepping up into their first management role or who wish to take on additional responsibilities.
The skills that we nurture through the programme include Confidence, Emotional Self-Mastery and Self-Awareness. We’ll do this through a blend of self-directed and group work using research-backed tools and techniques, tailored to your organisation’s needs. Modules could include:
• Identifying Barriers to Progression
• Navigating office politics
• Strategies for influence and impact
• Speaking – tools and techniques for being heard at conferences and meetings
• People Management
• Effective Networking and tips for confidence
Ultimately, your organisation will have full input into what they want from the bespoke programme, which can be delivered flexibly – at your place of work, online, and even out of hours, including weekends.
To discuss eligibility for, please email Anj Handa at or call 07946 646295.

Could your business cope with the unexpected?

Your business could face an emergency at any time, on your premises or when you are out and about. Even short-term problems such as a temporary loss of power or staff shortages can have a big impact on your operation. Having a plan will help you to reduce the disruption and will help you continue to operate. So..
Be Prepared!
An informed and prepared business is a more resilient business. You can prepare for the unexpected by developing your own Business Continuity Plan. Business continuity is about identifying what is critical to your business and planning how you can recover quickly in the event of an emergency. For example, what would you do if your ICT failed and you were unable to take card payments? How would you cope if a flu epidemic reduced your staffing? It is clear that business that make contingency plans are more likely to stay in business and recover quickly than those that don’t.

By developing your business resilience, you can develop your capacity to:
• Minimise any threats to your ability to trade
• Ensure stability of your operation
• Minimise operational and monetary threats
• Rapidly adjust to events that could threaten your business.

Where to Start….

Andrea Stephenson is working on behalf of Calderdale College on a business resilience project. The project is co-funded by ESF funding and the Education and Skills Funding Agency. It is part of a Skills Support for the Workforce programme, delivered by the College.
Andrea has completed the first stage of the project by surveying a sample of small to medium organisations in each of the Enterprise Partnership’s priority sectors, to find out whether they have a business continuity plan to help them continue to operate in an emergency situation. This has resulted in the development of a toolkit for continuity planning, which aims to help businesses become more resilient.
The next stage in the project is to pilot the toolkit with businesses and not for profit organisations to evaluate the benefits of the toolkit and to help organisations develop an action plan and a skills development plan.
This opportunity is free to any organisation employing between 2 and 249 people.
If you know anyone who may benefit from this opportunity, please contact: Andrea Stephenson, Ashgrove Learning and Development, Phone: 01274 410601 and email: