Posted on 5th March 2019
Category: News

The Humber Local Enterprise Partnership works with a range of partners to maximise local opportunities to help raise the skills profile of Humber residents. This work is designed to support more people to access better jobs, make informed personal choices on skills and education pathways and assist employers to improve the skills of their employees, (see

To deliver these outcomes the LEP has developed an innovative Skills Network of over 400 partners who are consulted on key employment and skills issues to drive the strategy forward and lead on significant aspects of delivery of a range of skills activities.  These include for example, the development of the Humber Careers Hub, improving the employability skills of young people and considering the opportunity for the Humber to become the first Region of Learning in the UK. The Skills Network feeds into the Employment  and Skills Board and the main LEP board?

The last meeting held on 6th February 2019 at the Business Hub in Grimsby, saw over 60 members coming together to discuss a number of key issues.  Presenters included Folabomi Raphael-Raji from Fresh Prospects who updated colleagues on her work to increase work opportunities for economic migrants.  Many of these people are highly qualified individuals who have the skills that Humber employers need. The Network also welcomed Sarah Marshall and Kirstie Wiseman from Off Ploy who work with ex-offenders to improve opportunities for work to assist in their transition and Scott Catterill from the Apprenticeship Ambassador Network who are working with schools to increase awareness of the range of apprenticeships available.

Danny Brett, chair of the Skills Network commented, “This pro-active group of organisations is really important to the LEP and to Humber residents. We work together to review the LEP Employment and Skills Strategy skills activities to improve local opportunities and share our knowledge and good practice.  We are very proud of the Network and understand that no other LEP has a similar group. We work with our partners to respond to government consultations, discuss funding opportunities and collaborate on skills interventions”.

Amanda Scrimgeour, Humber LEP Employment and Skills Manager added, “We operate an open membership, sharing our information via the LEP website and welcome any new members who wish to join us.”

Further information can be found on the Humber LEP website, see