Posted on 20th March 2019
Category: News

The Finance For Growth Scheme is part of the Humber Business Growth Hubs #GrowMySME Programme designed to enable small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to grow.

The business world continually changes and, whilst business owners work hard on daily management, they don’t always have the time to address the key essentials of growth such as business planning, developing strategy or even getting to grips with basic accounts and forecasting. We recognise the barriers our local SMEs face around finance, and we are here to help.

Running until May 2021, the Finance for Growth scheme will deliver an intensive programme of support for SMEs in the Humber region, enabling businesses to become investment ready and access the opportunities for growth afforded by the right package of finance.

One-to-One advice

The scheme can provide specialist/experienced financial advice in relation to company growth plans.

Our advisors will also be able to signpost you to other solutions and relevant support programmes as appropriate.

Our advisors can support you through many aspects such as:

  • Addressing the key issues preventing your business from accessing finance, such as ineffectual business planning and a lack of in-depth management information.
  • Assisting you to understand what lenders/investors are looking for as an investment opportunity.
  • Helping you to understand the financial landscape and negotiate the financial options, products and support available.


Identified through your one-to-one support from our advisors, our small grants scheme can fund up to 40% of your eligible project costs (minimum grant £1k, maximum £15k). The grant is a contribution toward specialist support services intended to address identified constraints/barriers to accessing finance as part of a specific growth and investment strategy. This could include accountant-prepared business plans and forecasts, legal due diligence, marketing plans and management information.

Find more details about the Finance For Growth Scheme here