Posted on 20th March 2019
Category: News

The ICT For Growth Scheme is part of the Humber Business Growth Hubs #GrowMySME Programme designed to enable small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) to grow.

Globally, information communication technology (ICT) is without doubt the fastest changing aspect and challenge of the business world.

It is hard to keep up with these changes whilst at the same time managing the day-to-day running of your business. ICT can be a key aspect in enhancing business growth and increasing your company’s competitive edge.

Running until May 2021, the ICT for Growth scheme will encourage and support the uptake of digital technologies, build business confidence in the use of such technologies and extend understanding of how digital technologies can be employed to solve business problems.

One-to-One advice

The scheme can provide ICT specialist advice relating to company growth plans.

Our advisors will also be able to signpost you to other solutions and relevant support programmes as appropriate.

Our advisors can support you through many aspects such as:

  • Identifying ICT needs and requirements
  • Designing a tailored project solution
  • Developing an action plan of support, including a ‘Design Sprint’ methodology


There are two types of grants available under this scheme:

  • ICT Grant – Identified through your one-to-one support from our advisors, our small grants scheme can fund up to 40% of your eligible project costs (minimum grant £1k, maximum £15k). The grant is a contribution towards specialist hardware and software packages intended to enhance your business growth plans. This could include the installation of enhanced cyber security systems, implementation of customer relationship management systems or big data analytics
  • Connectivity Grant – this is available to new business start-ups, generally less than one year old, to help them with the costs of getting connected to superfast broadband services (available to businesses with speeds of less than 30Mbps)

Find more details about the ICT For Growth Scheme here