Posted on 7th May 2019
Category: News

Skills For Growth is a Hull City Council initiative which aims to help local businesses use workforce skills interventions to raise their productivity and profitability via a grant of 50% of the cost of training
up to a maximum of £1,000

  • Training subsidies are available for upskilling staff to a maximum of £1000 or 50%
    of the cost of training whichever is the lower
  • Eligibility will be based on a skills needs assessment which will identify elements of training which have the potential to raise business productivity and/or profitability
  • We also assist local businesses by providing support and signposting to funding opportunities including loans and grants, mentoring, and a range of business support services
  • Skills for Growth support is available to Hull businesses only

For more information call the Skills For Growth Team at
or call (01482) 612611 or (01482) 613478.

Or download and complete the initial enquiry application form below and send it to the (the form is a word document)

Skills for growth Initial business enquiry application form