Posted on 5th June 2019
Category: News

Almost 6,000 new jobs have now been created through the Humber Local Enterprise Partnership’s joint investment schemes with partner organisations – with almost 3,000 new jobs to follow.

These figures have been released through the Humber LEP’s annual review, which was unveiled today at its Annual Business Summit at DoubleTree by Hilton Forest Pines Hotel in Broughton, Scunthorpe.

A total of 5,811 new direct jobs have been created, with 2,879 new direct jobs to come in the near future. When combined with safeguarded jobs and construction jobs, 10,966 jobs have been supported through the Humber LEP’s investment partnerships to date.

The LEP has so far secured over £328m of UK Government funding to enable its partners to deliver projects.  £145m of this has already been invested on the ground, leveraging £387m to make a total investment to date of £532m in the Humber – with more follow-on investment to come.

Other key figures unveiled in the Annual Review include:

  • 24,396 learners supported through our collaborative skills partnerships
  • 7,498 properties with reduced flood risk thanks to support for flood risk alleviation schemes
  • 13,019 businesses supported by the Growth Hub
  • 3,305 jobs created through our support to businesses.

Meanwhile, the LEP’s Growth Deal programme has supported infrastructure projects across the Humber, led by local authorities and businesses. £21m has been invested on the ground over the course of the 2018/19 financial year.

Building on the successful Delivering Housing Growth scheme in Hull, further sites have been identified and brought forward for new build housing and refurbishment of old housing stock to further Hull’s strategy of housing-led renewal.

Additional regeneration is being facilitated in the city with demolition and other enabling works taking place in Albion Square to unlock potential for a mixed use regeneration development.

Work has also started on constructing a pedestrian footbridge over the A63, connecting the city centre with the Marina and Fruit Market areas, and providing safe access for pedestrians and cyclists alike.

Meanwhile in the East Riding, a number of schemes to alleviate are now substantially complete. These include at Anlaby and East Ella, where a large culvert to redirect storm water has been installed, Cottingham and Orchard Park where an overflow lagoon has been created, and Hull and Holderness where the height of existing tidal defences has been increased to guard against tidal surges.

South of the Humber, investment to improve transport infrastructure has continued with a £7.2m Local Growth Fund investment to upgrade the Humber’s rail infrastructure almost complete. This will enable larger containers to be transported from the Port of Immingham.

Work has also started to undertake vital carriageway works around the A180 and A160. Across two separate schemes approximately £4.6m Local Growth Fund has been committed to improve the condition and quality of the highway asset and ensure it is a suitable standard to accommodate existing and future traffic developments within the area.

Meanwhile, a three-year, £6m investment from the European Regional Development Fund, designed to enable SMEs in the region to grow their businesses, has enabled an expansion of the LEP’s Business Growth Hub service.

Launched in November 2018, the Growth Hub’s new #GrowMySME Programme is the Growth Hub’s dedicated new package of high-growth SME support, consisting of the three complementary strands: the ICT for Growth Scheme, the Finance for Growth Scheme and the Business Growth Scheme.

We have also made partnerships with business and other organisations our priority the past year. This includes developing the industrial strategy with the support of many different voices from across the Humber and beyond, understanding businesses’ views on Brexit issues and opportunities, and engaging with employers through skills projects such as the Talent Forum and the Careers Hub.

Kishor Tailor, Chief Executive of the Humber LEP, said: “Through continued collaboration and close partnerships, the Humber LEP’s investment programme continues to go from strength to strength.

“The diverse projects we support – from schemes tackling youth unemployment to projects improving rail infrastructure and programmes engaged in growing SMEs – are only as successful as they are through the strong relationships we build and the work we carry out together to achieve our aim of a prosperous and thriving region.

“The LEP has punched above its weight in securing investment for the region, but it is local authorities, businesses and education providers which are delivering on the ground and it is excellent to see more and more of these projects paying off.

“However, the LEP’s work is not just about investment.  As we develop our industrial strategy, our role in bringing partners together and providing an interface with Government will be essential.  Together we can ensure that the strategic importance of the Humber is recognised and we are well-positioned for further success.”

Additional Information:

Key figures from the Local Growth Fund to end March 2019:

–           £85.3m Local Growth Fund spend

–           £175m in public match funding received

–           £72.5m in private match funding received

–           1,452 jobs secured (5,878 to follow).

Key figures from the Growth Hub during 2018-19 reveal:

–           3,677 businesses have received intensive 1-2-1 support from our advisor team since the Growth Hub’s launch in 2014.

–           2,315 businesses have engaged with the Growth Hub in 2018/19, of which 486 received intensive support from the our advisor team

–           175 businesses were referred to a finance or funding programme by the Growth Hub in 2018/19.

Local Growth Fund

Local Enterprise Partnerships are playing a vital role in driving forward economic growth across the country, helping to build a country that works for everyone.

That’s why by 2021 Government will have invested over £12bn through the Local Growth Fund, allowing LEPs to use their local knowledge to get all areas of the country firing on all cylinders.

Some additional key facts:

  • There are 38 LEPs covering the whole of England
  • The government has awarded £9.1bn in three rounds of Growth Deals to local areas to drive economic growth.
  • LEPs are investing in a wide range of projects including transport, skills, business support, broadband, innovation and flood defences.

Northern Powerhouse

Some Northern Powerhouse key facts:

  • The Northern Powerhouse is a key aspect of this Government’s approach to addressing the productivity gap in the North and ensuring a stronger, more sustainable economy for all parts of the UK.
  • The government has awarded £3.4bn in three rounds of Growth Deals across the Northern Powerhouse.

Growth Hubs and the Growth Hub Network

The 38 Local Enterprise Partnership led Growth Hubs across England bring together and simplify access to national and local business support. Supported by Government, Growth Hubs ensure that no matter the size, sector or maturity of a business they provide locally tailored business support and advice to direct businesses to the most appropriate organisations to assist with their specific requests.

Some additional key facts:

  • There are 38 Growth Hubs covering the whole of England – one in each Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) area
  • At the end of 2018/19 financial year, the Government will have invested £56.4 million in Growth Hubs via Local Enterprise Partnerships. The Government has committed a further £12 million to Growth Hubs for 2019-2020.

#GrowMySME Programme

The project is receiving up to £6,200,000 of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020 to deliver the #GrowMySME Programme.  The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) is the Managing Authority for the European Regional Development Fund. Established by the European Union, the European Regional Development Fund helps local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.  For more information visit