Posted on 24th June 2019
Category: News

The deadline for submitting your first VAT return under Making Tax Digital for VAT will soon be here.

Make sure you have the right software and signed up for Making Tax Digital for VAT. Remember to allow at least 72 hours before your VAT return is due or 7 days if you pay by direct debit.

The webinar, video and HMRC’s Online Customer Forum will give you more help. (details below).

Making Tax Digital for VAT: This webinar covers digital record keeping, signing up for Making Tax Digital and submitting your VAT returns using compatible software. You can ask questions using the on-screen text box.

Choose a date and time

The HMRC Online Customer Forum is another good place to go if you’ve got a question about VAT and Making Tax Digital. See what others are asking and get answers to your questions from the experts.