Posted on 13th September 2019
Category: News

The APC Technology Developer Accelerator Programme (TDAP) supports micro, small and medium- sized companies* who are developing cutting-edge automotive technology, products and services.
The programme is publicly funded by the Department for Business Energy & Industrial Strategy (BEIS) and targets early stage innovations that are aligned to the Automotive Council’s strategic technologies.
These need to have the potential to ultimately reduce vehicle emissions and create value for the UK.
Since its launch in 2017, TDAP has helped over 30 companies increase their Technology and Manufacturing Readiness Levels (TRL & MRL), in addition to enhancing their understanding of the market and business models required to accelerate their journey towards commercialisation.

The TDAP programme is a four-phase, 18 month process that supports participants, or Technology Developers (TDs), as they develop their idea from concept through to a viable market proposition.
TDs are supported by industry experts who help prioritise routes to market, protect their intellectual property and validate their technology.

APC facilitates this support by providing £100,000 of grant benefit, on a match funded basis.
The programme is delivered by a dedicated team working in partnership with external Delivery Partners (DPs) to complete 5 specific focus areas:
• TRL and MRL development
• Market Strategy
• Financial Planning
• Intellectual Property Management
• Networking

Successful applicants will be provided with technical and industry support to guide them through a process of technology, manufacturing and commercial development.

More information is available here (