Posted on 14th October 2019
Category: News

The grant is available to all ERDF eligible SMEs (less than 12 months old) to help towards ICT related business start-up costs, for example getting connected to superfast broadband services (minimum of 30mbps). £1,000 grants available for projects totalling £2,000 – £2,500 (for larger projects the general ICT for Growth Grants may be more appropriate).

Grant Support available includes:

  • New or upgraded connectivity (30mbps+) including purchase of associated IT equipment e.g. routers, Wi-Fi boosters etc. initial 12 months contract costs
  • ICT Back- Up System
  • Specialist Software e.g. Microsoft Office, Accounting etc
  • Purchase of 1 PC or 1 Laptop
  • 1st Time Website or basic E-Commerce, Domain Name, 1st year Hosting
  • Digital Marketing (PPC, SEO, Analytics)
  • Printer
  • Other ICT related costs can be considered – please contact one of the team to discuss your proposed grant project

Is your business eligible?

Your business must:

  • Be trading in the Humber area – Hull, East Riding of Yorkshire, North East Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire
  • Have less than 250 full-time equivalent employees
  • Have a turnover of less than €50m or a balance sheet of less than €43m
  • Less than 12 months registered as a business
  • Must be an ERDF eligible sector – retail and local service providers would not be eligible
  • Eligible to receive ERDF funding

Evidence required for grant process

  • Bank statement (showing at least one company transaction), including date of transaction and name of business
  • Bank account in companies name
  • For Upgraded connectivity require screen shot of speed test (minimum of 30mbps)  

via: to determine your current connection speed.

  • Companies House Registration or UTR Number from HMRC
  • Date of incorporation
  • 1 quote for each purchase


The Programme Team will send you a Registration form and Grant application via email for completion.

Both the Registration form and Grant Application need to be returned via post to:

ICT for Growth Scheme

Room 29
Alfred Gelder Street

You will receive confirmation if your application has been successful within 2 weeks by way of a Grant Offer letter, which needs to be signed and returned to the above address.

Grant payment

We will require copy of invoices for items purchased and proof of payment (either receipt or bank statements highlighting transactions made from your business bank account) to process grant payments.

All items must be paid in full and also must be purchased after date shown on Grant Offer letter before the grant can be paid.


Tel: 01482 612612                                                             Email: