Posted on 6th January 2020
Category: News

The Hull Business Improvement District (BID) Awards celebrate and reward the very best the city centre has to offer. Now in their sixth year, the HullBID Awards aim to shine the spotlight on not only the bigger, more familiar high-street names but also on the little, more out-of-the-way businesses that are striving to help Hull shine, all of which are particularly deserving of recognition.

An independent panel of judges who have great experience of business in Hull city centre will scrutinise the nominations that come in for each of the award categories, before a shortlist of finalists is drawn up. Three finalists in each category will be given four free tickets to attend the grand awards dinner which will be held at Hull’s Bonus Arena, on Friday, February 21st.

Businesses within the HullBID district can nominate themselves, a colleague or a boss; customers can also nominate their favourite businesses. HullBID team members will be out and about in the city centre delivering nomination forms to businesses, and people will also be able to nominate here online.

Download the application form here (PDF)

For more details visit