Posted on 28th January 2020
Category: News

The Yorkshire and Humber region has seen significant economic growth thanks to continued investment from throughout the UK and beyond.

The Supply Chain Network has been created to help share intelligence regarding developments and assist in making business opportunities visible. It is delivered in partnership with the Humber LEP Growth Hub.

The Supplier Directory
Is a free to access, central hub for the region’s suppliers.It has been developed to allow suppliers, investors and developers to identify and pursue strong commercial partnerships.

Register your business to:
Showcase your company’s products and services
Increase your visibility
Generate enquiries
Access information on developments and opportunities
Alerts to new opportunities / tenders

Business Support
The Supply Chain Network team work closely with businesses throughout the region to understand their needs and support their growth by identifying the most appropriate support and linking them to opportunities.By enrolling with The Supply Chain Network you will have access to;

• The latest information through news round-ups from a range of sectors and email alerts

• Specialist consultancy advice covering a range of sectors and industries

• Workshops and events to build on specialist knowledge bases and support delivery against tender expectations

• Potential grants and financial assistance to support supply chain growth

For more details visit the Supply Chain network website :