Posted on 6th February 2020
Category: News

To inform the development of the UK Global Tariff, the Government has launched a four-week public consultation on the UK Global Tariff policy, beginning on 6 February 2020 and closing on 5 March 2020. The Government encourages everyone with an interest to take part and provide their views.

This is the first time in almost fifty years that the UK will be free to set its tariff rates on all imported goods. This consultation represents a unique and historic opportunity for every business, every person and every civil society group, in every part of the UK, to have their say.

This consultation will provide the opportunity for you to provide:

views on a potential series of amendments to the Common External Tariff to create a bespoke UK tariff regime;
specific feedback on individual products or commodity codes of importance to you, including on the corresponding tariff rate; and
information on your interactions with Most Favoured Nation tariffs, and the importance of tariffs to sectors that are important to you.
Throughout the consultation respondents are encouraged to provide evidence to support their view, including the possible impact (costs and benefits) of amending or not amending the tariff on businesses, consumers and the economy.

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