Posted on 24th February 2020
Category: News

We are seeking a supplier to host EU-exit business preparedness clinics covering four key topic areas, in which known changes to business regulation are communicated to businesses, and also in which possible future scenarios are discussed, and businesses are given advice on what to start preparing for; and by doing so focusing on some of the ‘known unknowns’ that face them.

The one-to-one clinics must be facilitated by subject matter experts and must provide delegate businesses with actions to take now, and instructions on how to prepare for the ‘known unknown’ changes to the regulatory business landscape once they are confirmed by Government in late 2020.

These clinics will augment the Growth Hub’s current EU exit support package by providing businesses in the Humber region with technical information, advice and guidance to help them prepare for whatever outcome to the U.K’s trade negotiations. Covering Import, Export & Changes at the Border, Manufactured Goods Regulation & Cross Border Supply Chains, Employing EU Nationals & Employees Working in Europe, and Digital Data Rights, Transfer, GDPR and IP

The successful bidder shall:

  • Provide details of the advice available at the clinics to the Growth Hub Programme Management Team to enable the promotion of the clinics on Eventbrite and through other channels
  • Support the Growth Hub Programme Management Team with the marketing of the clinics to their networks and databases
  • Provide a suitably-knowledgeable facilitators to host the required clinics
  • Provide relevant supporting documents, resources, toolkits and materials for clinic participants
  • Record an outline of the clinic discussion and the topics discussed, and onward action points agreed with the client business on a meeting report form.
  • Provide up to 1 hour of additional support to each client business via desk-based research, phone calls and emails as appropriate.
  • Provide the HBGH team with completed meeting report forms, and timesheets of follow-up support provided.

Due to conditions of funding, this commission must complete no later than 31st March 2020.

For more information on this call, download this document: RFQ – Humber Business Growth Hub EU Exit Business Readiness Clinics

Alternatively, visit the YORTender website here quoting reference number DN466165